Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I forgot to take my ankle brace to work with me yesterday so I went home instead of going to Karate practice. (Bad Student) It was beautiful outside so I decided to help out with the yard work. WORK? I just got off work, why in the world would I want to continue working? Well, I don't do manual labor only mental labor... Poor Kelly works his tail off at his job so I wanted to be nice and help him out. The push mower wouldn't start so, I had to wait till he came home. No surprises in store for him.. Me mowing.. Kelly finally got the mower started after I huffed and puffed about it not working and stormed into the house to do "women's work". Kerry mowed for awhile, while I stewed in the house. I felt bad so I took her a glass of water and I mowed till the mower ran out of gas.
Then the mower wouldn't start again, so, I stormed off again into the house to fix supper. Earlier while I was stewing about the mower not working I got on-line to try to find a mower. So, I really wasn't doing "women's work" I was shopping.. What I can do better, than getting a stinkin' mower to run! And I'm really not storming off to the house more like, Yea, I don't have to mow skip... Bad wife...
Kerry got fed up and came into the house to help me fix Taco Salad for supper. She forgot to drain the meat so it was a tad greasy, other than that it was good. We all took showers from trying to mow and laid around watching the boob tube. Kerry had me to take her blood sugar to see if she is diabetic, you see, every week she has a new aliment. Last week was diabetes, this week she has an over active bladder. Poor, kid, 15 and a hypochondriac. I blame her Mom. Mom has Crohn's and is sick ALL the time, a new aliment every week, that is all Kerry knows. I'm trying to get her out of that... She's been complaining about her teeth and biting her jaw. I reminded her this morning to brush her teeth and asked when was the last time she brushed and her answer was... UH... I don't remember// No wonder she is having teeth issues!!
So we go to the dentist on Saturday and I hope I see the dentist before Kerry does so I can let her know that Kerry isn't brushing.. Still looking for a mower. We didn't finish the yard but hopefully Kelly can get the mower running today while I am at Tai Chi and finish the yard.