Friday, May 23, 2008

She Passed!!!

Thank Goodness! She only lacked 2 points in Math from being on the Honor Roll. Hopefully she will apply herself better next year. She was also glad that she passed. I think she was kinda worried. I called her around 9:30 am to see if she passed. I couldn't’t wait till I got home. Kelly talked to her about spending the summer alone at the house. I think we are going to let her try it.
Tonight we are going to MCHS for graduation for my cousin Kyle. I really fill sorry for him tonight. I can’t imagine not having my parents around for such a life changing event. I bought him a card that I thought Greg and Sharon would have bought for him if they were here. I really felt that Greg and Sharon led me to buy that card for him. I tried to buy him things that I thought he would need in the dorm room that he wouldn’t have thought of.
I know my 2nd semester of freshman year, my cousin Donna sent me a duffel bag full of stuff that I really needed but just didn’t get. That was an awesome care package. I am going to try to make sure that I send Kyle a care package each month, just so he knows that someone is thinking of him.
We are also going camping this weekend at Defeated Creek. This should be fun since, I am not that keen on camping and Kelly and Kerry loves it. Hopefully no blood will be shed from either parties… Please Pray that I don’t get freaked out..
Thank you to our troops who are fighting for my safety and my freedom. May God Bless you all.