Monday, June 23, 2008


Saturday 6/21,2008 a a group of girls I work with went to Scottsville, KY to visit the Menonites. Here we are relaxing after shopping for canned goods, fresh fruit and veggies and eating a wonderful lunch.Tammy, Angie, Tilda
Lora, Ellie, Jessie & Christine
TT showing off her new do.

Me and Tilda-Deadly pair together!
Tilda & Lora

Me and Ellie belly.. Isn't she just too cute!

Some canned goods-Yum-O

Horse and Buggy

Christine are excited about your purchases?

Like Mother Like Daughter-2 of my favorite people
Ellie and her Mommy-Jessie

Ellie showing off what she is going to get her Mommy to buy for her.

Me and Ellie in front of a horse and Buggy- (We both got in trouble before this picture was taken.)
All in all we had a wonderful time! Ellie and I kept getting in trouble cause I was trying to have an adventure with her and Jessie wouldn't let us. (HA) I guess I am a bad influence on little kids!! I try to have too much FUN!!! Anyway, I stopped getting Ellie in trouble. I think that the Travis Tritt song T-R-O-U-B-L-E was following me that day! I bought sourdough bread, tomato-cheese bread, salsa, jelly and squash. Christine was feeling a little home sick from her youth days, since she kinda grew up in that kind of setting.
After we got back to Hartsville, I went to see Angie and take her a loaf of tomato-cheese bread. I got to see her Mom-Joy and her nephew-Houston. Mike and David were putting up her fence. Little Dalton was so cute, he was kind of jealous of Houston so I was holding Dalton like a baby. We had a good visit.
Kelly and I went to the Funeral home that night because our friend Mark's brother passed away. We stayed till almost 9. Kelly was talking to everyone-He can't say anything to me anymore about talking too much. I had to whine to get him to leave!
Sunday was the 1st day for our new preacher. I had to fix something for the reception we were having after church and I forgot to go to the store. At 8am I was shopping, half asleep. I made ham and turkey roll ups and weight watcher brownies. Brother Tom did a magic trick for the children during children's' time. He pulled a handkerchief rabbit out of a handkerchief top hat!
After church, I went to the hospital to see Grandpa Bill- he's not really my grandpa but since Kelly L. was born he became Grandpa Bill. Poor ole Grandpa Bill-he has lost his eye sight due to diabetes, also has bad knees. I think that he will be going to the nursing home soon. He is also talking out of his head at times. He called Kerry a dog last night. I fried chicken and made squash and took Grandma Ann some supper. Grandpa Bill said he would eat some chicken if I brought it too him but, he only ate a few bites. It is sad to see him that way. It reminds me of Granny when she got really sick. I did get to see Diana and Billy. Diana had lost a lot of weight-getting ready for the wedding! She said she hasn't but I know she has. I also got to see Steve and Mike and Terry.
Kerry came home on time yesterday and Kelly and confronted her about sneaking out at Nanny's. She didn't lie about this time. He did tell her that she was no longer spending the night there and she will be catching the bus at home this school year. I will certainly be glad when her drama is over! I was good having her back home, even with the drama!
Sorry for such a long post but as you can tell, I had a lot to say!