Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Little Red....

Someone stole my little red sunbird. Yep, stole it!!! I can't beleive it. It was at my deceased Granny trailer 2 weeks ago, and now it's gone. I had to file a police report. The crappy thing is, we were getting ready to move it to have it fixed up for Kerry.... Mean people suck!!!
If you see a Little red Sunbird around town and it looks like I might have driven it at one time, let me know and I track 'em down and do a little Kung-Fu on them!!!
Hartsville's Finest came out to the trailer and looked around. The people were even in my granny's trailer and the doors were unlocked. There's nothing in there... They even went thru the stuff that was left in her building....
Sorry, I am very upset... I really want to Karate Chop whom ever's head off... I really do...
I am sick of the drama in my life... I am a fairly nice person... Why does crap like this happen to me???
Hopefully it will be found... Probably not, so now we need to find a cheap-o car for Kerry to drive by Oct...
Again, mean people suck...