On March 20,2009 Kerry entered her first beauty contest. I suggested it of course and she decided she wanted to try it. We bought the dress on cr@igslist "cheap". It was a really good deal. She did a lot of practicing and sometimes with a coach. She wanted to make herself proud. She did a great job. I started her morning off by making her breakfast. she went to school a half day and I took the day off. I picked her up at noon. Her Mom was there, she had brought Kerry lunch. We went to Gallatin to Belk's where she had her makeup done. We then went to Carolyn's to get her hair fixed, then we head home to chill and then get dressed. Kerry was # 31 out of 43 girls. She had the time of her life. She didn't place but came out of the holding room grining and said" I am doing this next year". Too funny! She did great on stage, very poised, she looked like she had being doing pageants all her life. When they went abck on stage in groups of 5 she had taken her shoes off! Her feet were hurting! LOL!! I told kelly you can sure tell that Kerry is his child because comfort is all she cares about! If she had been mine, a little longer in pain would be ok! I am so proud of Kerry! A year ago you would have never caught her anywhere near a beauty pageant much less participating. Congrats Kerry on making a new step in life. I am so glad you had fun!
A true Beauty
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
Oh my gosh, Angie, she looks GORGEOUS! You must be so proud. Kerry is absolutely beautiful young woman! ~ Chris
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