Monday, August 10, 2009

School Shopping

Have you ever taken 4 teenage girls shopping? Well, I did that very thing this past Saturday. I was fun, rewarding and exhausting! I took Kerry and four other girls. My church took up money for one of the missions that the UMW does for needy kids and school clothes. Each child got to spend $400.00. Sounds easy right? It wasn't. We looked, they tried on clothes, shoes even bras! Eventually they all spent their money. We started at noon and did not end until 10:00pm!
I took them out for lunch and supper. Lunch was Pep-a ronis buffett pizza and supper was Subway.
All the girls are plus size and trying to find clothes that are age appropriate or not too tight is somewhat difficult.
They all had fun and that is all that matters. God is good!
