Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Last night I had the weirdest dream...
I dreamt that Kelly had cheated on me and gotten his lover pregnant. I dreamt that she (Carolina) had come to me to tell me that she loved Kelly and he loved her and they we having a baby together.

OK, 1st off, I know that Kelly would never cheat on me, so what the crap did I dream that for? I also dreamt that Kelly and I never got married. That we were only living together but were in process of adopting. We just waiting on the baby to be born. Freaky! So, any way, Carolina told me that kelly was going to marry her.I laughed and said Honey, we've been together for 6 years and never married, what makes you think he will marry you? then Kelly came to me and asked me to allow Carolina and the baby to live with us.

I am not a freak!I am not sharing my man with nobody! The dream really freaked me out! When I woke up I had to tell Kelly about it. Of course he got a kick out of it, but it still had me rattled. Why, I don't know? Just wanted to share with ya!

On a happy note: Kerry got on the A/B homor roll! Her name will be in the paper! We are sooo proud of her as she is with herself. That is so awesome! Way to Kerry!
