Monday, May 19, 2008


These 2 are two of my buddies. We have know each other for the last 8 years. It all began when I started working at BMA. Christy was in shipping and Paula was a purchasing agent. We hit it off like we had know each other for years. Christy and Paula already knew each other from working together at a restaurant. Paula and I are sisters from just becoming co-workers. They both have beautiful children and we all 3 have pulled each other through thick and thin. I love these Girls.. Saturday night we had a Girls night Out. We went to eat at Cheddars and then went to Chases. We danced our booties off and laughed our booties off. It was great being with them and catching up. The best thing about both of them is we hardly ever get to see each other but when we do see each other it's like we just saw each other yesterday.

Thanks Christy and Paula for a great night out... Love you girls!!