Friday, August 31, 2007

Thank Goodnes it's Friday!

What a week it's been! Busy at work and home. Last night I went to see the JR. High Volleyball team play. A friend of ours plays on the team and an old friend coaches. I had to take the coach to the ER. last night. She lost her vision, she was having a migraine and didn't know it. Her husband came after we had been there a while and brought the kids. They are sooo cute, the baby looks like a girl(he's not). They did good considering we out way past their bed time. Any who, the volleyball team won! Yeah! Christa scored a point! I took yesterday off to have Direct TV installed, love the DVR!
K's Uncle isn't much better. We are suppose to go to Sha-sha's new house tomorrow to help her paint. I worked out at the gym Wednesday and now I am in soo much pain, I'm not sure I can go back today! Hopefully this long weekend won't have as much drama as last weekend!

Monday, August 27, 2007


Belle told us she witnessed the neighbor abuse his girlfriend's daughter so now she has to go to court and testify what she saw. OK, now she is only 14 years old and now this. The neighbor's girlfriend's daughters are staying with Belle, A & B. The Mother is staying with B's ex- girlfriend! OMG......

I asked Belle about the wedding bands and she said she doesn't think they are married, she said they went to Wal-Mart, bought wedding rings and said, we are married. In Belle's words " They are such red necks!" HAHAHA Out of the mouth of babes. She said all weekend that B gets on her nerves so bad, I told her she could come live with us if she wanted.

I had a dream about my brother last night. I dreamt that he came to my Granny's house and I was there sick, watching TV. He wanted some of my Granny's stuff. I told him, he should have been there when she died instead of waiting 6 months after she died to get her stuff. I haven't spoken to my brother in a year. He is brain-washed by his wife.

K's Uncle isn't getting any better. He's ready to die. It's so sad to see someone who's dieing and knowing that he regrets drinking himself to death. I am so glad K did not get that disease.

See I told you too much Drama~

Friday, August 24, 2007


My husband spoke to his daughter last. She's coming to spend the weekend with us. Her thief of an Uncle is down from East TN. Her Mom can't stand him cause he steals all the time but yet lets him come to her new boyfriend's house and stay. I hope the new boyfriend has everything locked down!

We had a great supper last night! Cuban Pork Chops, steamed baby carrots with honey drizzled on it and salad. YUM! Trying to eat as healthy as we can. I hope today goes by fast at work.

I just got back from the Chiro. He popped by back once. My Turf Toe is still killing me. Will it ever get better? 8 Months is way too long to be in pain. Dr. T says he will get me better. I really do hope so.

We are going out to eat tonight I sure hopes it not Chinese. K and Belle love it, I'm getting burned out. Hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

My 1st attempt at Blogging

I am new at this and fell kinda weird doing this. I love reading all the other blogs I have been reading and thought what the heck. I live in Middle TN and it's terribly hot here. 13 days in 100 + degree temps. I should weigh 100 lbs by now as hot as I have been! I am taking Karate and Tai Chi. I was taking kick boxing but developed Turf Toe and had to quit. Turf Toe is not that normal in Martial Arts but, you will soon find out that I am not that normal. I live with my husband of 3 years and our 2 inside (weenie) dogs. We also have a coon dog (A walker). Love my fur babies. We are trying to get pregnant and it's driving me crazy. More on that later. I hope that we all have fun with this blog!